About The South End
Published: Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Updated: Friday, May 8, 2009
The South End
5221 Gullen Mall
Student Center Building Suite 101
Detroit, MI 48202
Letters to the editor
The South End publishes articles online as well as in print. While we support the right to free speech and expression, there are guidelines for morally and socially acceptable content. Comments and feedback deemed offensive are subject to editing or removal. Please be considerate of the diverse campus community and respect its wide-ranging opinions when contributing to the online forum.
The South End is published Wednesdays during the fall, winter and spring/summer semesters Wayne State University students. Copies are available free of charge at various locations throughout campus. The Student Newspaper Publication Board, established the Wayne State University Board of Governors, acts as the publisher of The South End. The board establishes and insures compliance with publication, editorial and news reporting guidelines. All complaints, comments and suggestions concerning the student newspaper should be directed to the board, which meets at least monthly at the journalism conference room in Alex Manoogian Hall.